Redland City Council today honoured retiring Town Crier Max Bissett for his outstanding 16 years of service.
Max, 82, of Redland Bay, was in full voice as he made his last official call at today’s general meeting before hanging up his traditional regalia.
On behalf of the city, Mayor Karen Williams thanked Max and his wife, Judy, and wished them well on the eve of their 60th anniversary.

“Max has been a big supporter of our community and is a good ambassador for our city, especially when he visits other communities to compete in Town Crier Championships,” Cr Williams said.
“He has done this voluntarily and with a power of passion and professionalism since he was appointed back in 2005. He is truly an exceptional Redlander.
“Council has very much appreciated the many hours he has devoted to his official duties. Thankfully, he has never been called on to perform some of the more antiquated tasks that Town Criers once performed … such as administering floggings and locking reprobates in the stocks!
“Many people do not know what a Town Crier is until they see him and it is always fantastic to see the younger generation show an interest when they first see him do a cry.”
Max, who also received a Cultural Award in the 2021 Redland City Australia Day Awards for his considerable efforts on behalf of the community, was host of the national 2016 Town Crier Championship held on Redlands Coast as part of RedFest, where his peers voted him most convivial.
“We have come to know him as a kind and empathetic person, who does not expect any recognition for what he does – simply doing it because he loves Redlands Coast and his community,” Cr Williams said.
“We also know that he can be very loud and is, indeed, a national ‘Loudest Cry’ winner.
“A special mention must also go to Judy, who attends many of the events with Max and ensures our Town Crier is always a stand-out!”
Cr Williams said the city’s Town Crier was a reminder that history was very important to any community and should not be forgotten.
“Council will now seek expressions of interest for a new Town Crier to ensure that Max’s legacy endures and we can keep the Town Crier tradition alive on Redlands Coast,” she said.