UPDATE: Wednesday, 23 June 2021
The planned burns listed below have been postponed due to weather conditions, and will be rescheduled.
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Redland City Council’s Parks & Conservation crews will undertake a hazard reduction burn in sections of bushland at Alexandra Hills and Redland Bay on Wednesday 23 June 2021, weather conditions permitting.
The location of the planned burns are:
- Scribbly Gums Conservation Area, 23-141 Flinders Street, Alexandra Hills (between 9am-5.30pm).
- Bayview Conservation Area, 273-305 Days Road, Redland Bay (between 9am-4.30pm).

Some tracks around both of these areas will be closed for public access during the burns.
Track closure signs and barrier mesh will be erected in the morning and will be taken down once the burn areas are safe for public access.
The purpose of the burns is to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, which will assist with hazard reduction – reducing the fire danger and providing conditions essential for native regeneration.

It is appreciated that the burns may cause some inconvenience, however all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards.
For more information about Council’s planned burn program, visit Redland.qld.gov.au/PlannedBurns.