Celebrate this year’s World Environment Day at IndigiScapes’ Environment and Community Fair on Saturday 5 June. Entry is free.
Mayor Karen Williams said the Environment and Community Fair was one of the first major public events to be hosted at the expanded Redlands IndigiScapes Centre, which has been subject to various COVID-related restrictions since its reopening.
“As Redland City Council’s centre for environmental education, IndigiScapes is a much loved community asset that generations of Redlands Coast locals and visitors have visited and loved,” Cr Williams said.
“We are very proud of the upgrades that have been made, including the refurbishment of the buildings, interpretive centre and café, and improvement and relocation of the native plant nursery.”
“World Environment Day is a very fitting time to invite our community to rediscover all IndigiScapes has to offer while enjoying the Covid-safe, fun fair atmosphere.”

Division 7 Cr Rowanne McKenzie said there would be plenty on offer to keep the whole family engaged.
“Along with the eco markets, there will be environment and sustainability-themed speakers and information, free outdoor family activities, live entertainment and delicious food available from the café and food vans,” she said.
Councillor Williams said visitors would also be able to meet local wildlife as well as Council’s new environmental ambassador Ranger Stacey, who will be MC for the day.
“We’re so excited that Stacey has joined our team. Like us, she is passionate about Redlands Coast and is happy to chat about Council’s environmental programs and services,” Cr Williams said.
“Please make her welcome by coming to say hello.”
Environment and Community Fair
When: Saturday 5 June 2021, 9am to 2pm
Where: Redlands IndigiScapes Centre, 17 Runnymede Rd, Capalaba
Free entry.
Additional parking accessible via the Nursery entry or Lyndon Road and Korawal Street.
• Celebrate World Environment Day
• Meet Ranger Stacey and local wildlife
• Engage with environmental and community organisations and speakers
• Nursery open for native plant sales and advice
• Learn about Council programs and services
• Enjoy the Eco Markets, suitcase rummage and rack sale
• Free outdoor family activities, nature craft, art and face painting
• Enjoy entertainment and live music
• IndigiCafe open plus food and coffee vans.
More information: indigiscapes.redland.qld.gov.au