Redland City Council has committed $300,000 to progress the addition of new female change rooms at the popular Pinklands Sporting Complex in Thornlands.
The new facility will include two female change rooms, toilets, and showers, with a proposed central location to allow all Pinklands-based groups access and connection to service utilities.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said this was one of several sport and recreation infrastructure projects being funded from Council’s million dollar COVID Infrastructure Recovery Program.
“It’s part of Council’s response to the disruptions and difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Cr Williams said.
“We are committed to strengthening community resilience and well-being and supporting economic and jobs recovery.

“Our COVID recovery program will also include the replacement and maintenance of city-wide sport and recreation infrastructure facilities like goal posts, lighting poles and electricals with more projects expected to be announced in coming weeks.
“We know female sports are growing and these new female amenities for Pinklands will provide for the large number of sport and recreation users visiting Pinklands every week.
“All female sporting participation is to be celebrated and encouraged, so facilities like these are essential to support that growth.”
Local Division 3 Councillor Paul Golle said Pinklands hosted a considerable concentration of the female sport and recreation activity in Redlands Coast.
“Each week there are many hundreds of local and visiting female athletes using Pinklands,” he said.
“I’ve been working hard along with the Mayor and Council officers to support local clubs and I am delighted to support this new facility and help to strengthen a healthy community and female sport participation.”